Depending on the licence held, the person may be qualified to install, service and repair fridges, freezers and air conditioners. Without an appropriate licence, they may be operating illegally, so always ask to see their licence and check what services they can do before they begin their work. ARC is an acronym for the Australian Refrigeration Council, a peak industry body appointed in by the Minister for Environment and Heritage to administer the national refrigeration and air conditioning permit scheme.
ARC is responsible for granting Refrigerant Trading Authorisations and Refrigerant Handling Licences, approved under the regulations to businesses and individuals who acquire, posses, handle or dispose of ozone depleting substances ODS or synthetic greenhouse gases SGG as they apply to air conditioning and refrigeration. These refrigerants are commonly known as fluorocarbon refrigerants.
The ARC website is located at www. Our helpline is always open to receive any inquiry or feedback. Keywords or browse the shelves Browse the shelves using these call numbers: Testing and commissioning, 7.
It also describes design methods for analysing zirah transmission from noise sources, both inside and outside buildings in order to estimate interior and exterior noise levels. Scale control principles, 5. Australian Refrigeration and Air-conditioning Volumes 1 and 2. Implementing a control system, 6. This manual includes the following seven sections: Key commissioning documentation, 6.
Air conditioning receives particular and detailed attention, with comprehensive information on equipment selection and application, system design strategies, system controls, and detailed sirah notes, particularly in respect of moisture management.
Glossary of symbols and abbreviations. Water treatment for open recirculating systems, Understanding evaporative air cooling, 3. Potable water treatment, Open to the public ; TH DA18 Water Treatment DA18 provides details of the scientific principles on which present practices of water treatment are based.
System management specifically for Legionella control, The scope of this application manual includes the manufacture, design, installation, maintenance and management of cooling towers and their associated systems. Solar Victoria works closely with regulators and peak bodies to ensure safety and quality standards are maintained across the Home Heating and Cooling Upgrade program. We require Approved Suppliers to meet relevant safety and quality standards and comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards and are committed to working with industry to improve outcomes under this program.
This list is not exhaustive and does not replace obligations on Approved Suppliers to understand and comply with all compliance obligations, standards and requirements. As an employer, you are required to provide and maintain a working environment for your employees that is safe and without risks to health. This includes inducting employees into a well-developed safety management plan.
You also need to develop and follow a safe work method statement SWMS to undertake high-risk construction work. High-risk construction work is:. Its role includes ensuring electrical workers isolate, take appropriate measures and work safely when installing electrical equipment and electrical installations.