Young justice wii game

But he was pulled back in after spending years in QA circles for both THQ and Activision, mostly spending time helping to push forward the Guitar Hero series at its peak. Because what are video games if you can't enjoy a good story with a fresh Cherry Coke?

I didnt realize Young Justice got canceled on CN. To be fair, they wrapped up the current story and just teased something much more interesting. I would have adored the possibility of Miguel Ferrer and Michael Ironside speeching at each other. Zatanna freeing Blue Beetle from the Reach's control was for me the best scene in the entire series.

YJ will be missed. This is actually good news for WIiU. An update on the game's official Facebook page via Nintendo Life from developer Little Orbit explains that the decision was made because the platforms "presented challenges we couldn't overcome. Please accept our sincere apology. The action role-playing game that is set between the events of seasons 1 and 2 of the animated television series Young Justice.

The game is being written with the help of show scribes Greg Weisman and Brandon Vietti. Got a news tip or want to contact us directly?

Email news gamespot. You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos. Click To Unmute. Before Orin can even respond, Kaldur sees the answer on Orin's face. He is horrified to find out Manta is his father.

Orin insists he only wanted to protect Kaldur, that it didn't change who Kaldur was, or who raised him. Furious, Kaldur walks away from Orin. Aquaman calls to Kaldur, in vain, before pulling himself together and leaving. Aquagirl reports her findings about the statue. Aqualad reaches the others gathered at the holoscreens. Nightwing asks if he is okay, but Kaldur ignores him in favor of the incoming call from Batman.

Nightwing reports he has the corrupted message from Dr. Sandsmark undergoing repair. Aquagirl then calls in. She has the third fragment. Carbon dating indicates the statue is from the 2nd Millennium BCE and engraved with ancient Babylonian cuneiform, and what Nightwing recognizes as something similar to a circuit board.

Tula is able to compare the markings to obscure 2nd Millennium drawings that have been posited as evidence of an ancient alien race. The statue is of Tiamat , a creature of chaos from the legend of Tiamat and Marduk , one of the earliest versions of the 'Chaoskampf myth'. Unfamiliar with the term, Wally gets the clarification that it is the battle between Order and Chaos, and states his distaste for the "fuzzy sciences. Tula describes the myth of Tiamat, saying she was set loose to destroy the world and its conflict.

The gods issued a summons for a hero. Marduk, a Mesopotamian demi-god answered the call, defeated Tiamat with lightning and rain and was inducted into the Babylonian pantheon. He became known as the "god of gods". Nightwing finally reconstructs Helena Sandsmark 's message. Tempest boasts he has lightning and rain covered. Artemis suggests Marduk may have been an ancient superhero. Nightwing's repair program completes its work.

Sandsmark's message appears on-screen. She fears for her life now that she has located all the fragments, and is of no further use.

She overheard her captors mention Gotham City. She talks about missing her daughter as she makes the biggest archaeological find in history, but is horrified that she could consider exposing her to the danger. Artemis proposes Gotham be their next step, and Batman recommends they check the docks. The Team is ambushed by the Riddler 's henchmen. Nightwing leads Alpha through the warehouses by the docks, but he soon finds himself under a sniper's laser scope.

He dodges the bullet and approaches the sniper's position by pushing a forklift in front of him to provide cover. Eventually he gets to close enough to disable the sniper with a batarang. Unfortunately, Riddler has the rest of the warehouse complex covered with numerous snipers, automated energy weapons with searchlights and bands of his henchmen.

Alpha sneaks or fights through the defenses as required, until they reach a warehouse loading door. Inside they find more henchmen waiting for them, backed up by a large LexCorp robot designed for loading cargo. Alpha fights their way through, and out into another yard of cargo containers, snipers and searchlights. The squad eventually sneaks its way to another loading bay, and another ambush by Riddler's goons, before finally reaching the dockside.

Alpha searches the dockside, fighting more of Riddler's guards and robots, with no sign of Dr. Sandsmark, until Nightwing finds a clue; a photograph of Helena and her daughter in a crate marked " Haly Circus. Alpha arrives at the circus tent to find it dark and deserted. The lights suddenly turn on, and Riddler greets them over the speakers, before directing their attention to the far ring, where Helena is tied to a chair.

Alpha rushes to her aid, but are trapped in the first ring by some sort of force field, and ambushed by LexBots. After defeating the robots, they press into the second ring, but are again trapped and attacked. And then once more in the third ring.

They finally fight their way through to Helena, but suddenly become disorientated and pass out. Alpha wakes up on circular, stone platform floating in a swirling sky of purple, white and gray. They find Psimon waiting for them. He remarks that they must not have been expecting to see him, when a giant version of Psimon's head appears off the edge of the platform. The smaller Psimon then jumps into the giant Psimon's mouth. Having called them their own worst enemy, Psimon sends out a dark version of each member of Alpha to fight the squad.

The squad soon finds harming a duplicate also hurts the original, but defeats each duplicate in turn. The smaller Psimon is spat out onto the platform where Alpha attacks him. Though he tries to defend himself with attacks of psychic energy, Alpha eventually wears him down, releasing them from the mind realm. Helena Sandsmark is safe, but the Riddler is not done with the Team yet. They wake up again in Haly's. Nightwing quickly rushes to free Dr.

After checking she is okay, he tells her that her messages were genius. She was surprised someone was listening—she had felt lost. She asks who they are, but Nightwing can only answer briefly: the good guys. Then he remembers Psimon. They find him behind a curtain, comatose in a wheelchair. Nightwing surmises he was being controlled somehow. Riddler pipes up over speakers again to confirm the theory. After Nightwing demands he gives himself up, Riddler reminds him he still has the relic, hinting that he has it at an "amusing abode.

Sandsmark to safety, heads off with Alpha to the funhouse. The Team walks into the Riddler 's final puzzle. Alpha finds the funhouse heavily modified by Riddler. In a chamber they find a platform with five stands, each holding a large button; one red, one blue, one green, one yellow plus a purple one marked "reset". Each of the four walls hosts a sealed door, one of which mounts five big light bulbs.

Riddler appears on a large screen mounted in corner to welcome them to the game. Nightwing comments that ancient relics aren't Riddler's typical game. Riddler disagrees—"charades" is exactly his kind of game, and this is one of the oldest charades. Nightwing asks him to clarify, but Riddler refuses to give any spoilers—it had taken him months place the clues to get the dig in Greece going.

Nightwing presses him to get to the point. Riddler explains that they need to light the five bulbs up in the right colors to win the game. Each incorrect entry opens one of the other doors. He hints that surviving what's inside the other doors will be a "chore", but that if the reach the end they will be granted a clue to the correct order. Alpha tries a random sequence, which is incorrect and opens a door.

They venture in to face halls lined with Riddler's goons, and a shooting gallery with the moving targets modified to lethal effect. Alpha passes the obstacle and reaches a stand with a button, which a plays a recorded message from Riddler—a clue. Back at the central chamber, they try again, once more failing and opening a side door. It leads to a series of corridors much like the first and ends with another clue.

It's still not enough for them to work out the code, so Alpha fights though another passage and gets the third and final clue, giving them enough information. They enter the correct combination, and the fourth door opens. Nightwing finally subdues the Riddler and retrieves the fragment. Through it, Alpha finds a large wheel. Atop a tall pedestal at its center is Riddler. He taunts the heroes for their predictability. He "spins" the wheel, causing the various panels around it to light up in turn before settling on one.

Each panel chosen has an effect until that panel is destroyed—releasing poison gas, explosives or a group of Riddler's goons, while one type of panel lowers Riddler's pedestal, much to Riddler's frustration. Alpha faces the wheel's threats until it is depleted and Riddler brought to the ground. As Nightwing approaches him, Riddler backs off, claiming he isn't a fighter. This doesn't prevent Nightwing from lifting Riddler by his collar and punching him out, catching the final statue fragment as it flies from Riddler's grasp.

Sandsmark and obtaining the final fragment. He then asks Helena if she remembers anything useful from her time in captivity. She recalls seeing machinery with glowing symbols. Zatanna suspects techno-sorcery. Nightwing wonders if Aquagirl has any news, but she doesn't respond. Sandsmark then informs them that the final fragment is a fake. Nightwing chastises himself for not seeing Riddler was making it too easy. With still no response from Tula, Batman pulls up the museum surveillance footage:.

The Team sees how Aquagirl was deceived by Klarion. Kaldur immediately wants to go to her rescue, but Nightwing is adamant they figure out a plan to deal with the alien weapon, that was apparently impervious to damage. Dick recalls Riddler's comment about a "charade"—he is sure it is to do with Marduk and Tiamat. Miss Martian questions how a young, unknown hero such as Marduk could have stopped such a powerful force on his own.

Nightwing and Superboy come up with the answer—Tiamat is a machine, he shut her down. Batman interrupts with disaster reports from around the world. The Team studies all of Klarion 's possible locations. The Team's priority shifts to finding the Klarion and Tula. Wally realizes they can use the earthquakes created by the statue to track them.

Unfortunately, he finds eight epicenters of seismic activity. Aqualad prepares to have them split up to search them all, but Nightwing asks Zatanna to use the locator spell she had used once before to find Klarion.

Zatanna is unsure—Klarion had been performing very powerful magic at the time—but thinks she may be able to thanks to the seismic data. Her spell works. They are in Bialya. The Team arrives in Bialya and searches for Aquagirl. Aqualad leads Alpha Squad as they travel to the epicenter in Bialya, and land in a canyon near it. While they focus on finding Aquagirl and the statue, Batman assures him the League will help with the increasing number of disasters worldwide.

The area is heavily protected by the Bialyan army and LexCorp robots, and several gates impeding swift access to their target. They reach it eventually, after creating a bridge that leads to a decorated gate. The gate led to the lush royal gardens of Esagila. As Aqualad admires its beauty, an earthquake rocks the area, and Batman tells him to hurry. The journey through the gardens is a fairly straightforward one; they need to take out many LexCorp robots and undead soldiers, and make sure they don't get lost in the many side-routes.

When they make it to the doorway to Marduk's Temple , they only need to align several statues to unlock the door. Inside, they discover the temple has a multitude of paths, and they don't have the time to explore both. Aqualad calls in Nightwing, who will lead Beta Squad through the secondary path. Alpha battles its way past undead soldiers and LexCorp robots until they come to a hall of statues. While one unlocks the door by pushing a lion statue towards a warrior statue, the others see large hammer-wielding statues come to life.

They defeat nine statues in all before the door opens. Nightwing arrives with Beta, and is instructed to take the northeast entrance. After battling past several waves of warriors and robots, they come to a triple fork. The middle gate opens after they cleared all three rooms of several waves of enemies and open a water operated lock.

Both squads march on. Alpha finds several more stone statues on their way. They defeat them with ease, and defeat several more waves of robots and warriors in a shrine hall. Beta now too encounters the stone statues, and defeat them in a series of wide halls. They find the king's chamber, which contains the doorway to the unearthed chamber of Tiamat. They bridge a gap by activating the ancient gears, and after one final wave of enemies, they enter the chamber.

Klarion revives Tiamat. In the crying pool, Klarion oversees the final phases of Tiamat's revival. Blockbuster ties up Tula on a pillar while he works on a console. Nightwing and his squad arrive, but are quickly spotted and detained. Klarion explains his plan: he had meant to feed his own magic in the ritual, but now would feed Tula's power. He throws the reconstructed artifact into the pool, which causes a giant water snake to come out.

Klarion brushes off Nightwing's warning about destroying the world, and tells him he was never in it for Tiamat, but for Marduk's secret weapon. After Klarion blasts the water snake, a tablet falls out of it.

Tula cries out that this weapon is the Tablet of Destiny , an artifact of Order. The awakened Tiamat causes parts of the ceiling to tumble down, forcing the villains to flee. Teekl takes the tablet against the wishes of its master, and Klarion has to run after it.

They leave the heroes to defeat the water snake. Beta Squad has to avoid its water spouts, but can deal damage because the snake has to rest after its attacks. However, when they think it is down, Batman alerts them the disasters are still happening. Just then, a large dragon rises from the pool. Teekl walks into another room, straight into Aqualad.

Klarion is angered when he sees the hero has the Tablet, and demands it back. Aqualad refuses, and Klarion unleashes Blockbuster on them. Alpha Squad can't make a dent in Blockbuster, but lure him into Klarion's fireball attack, which leaves him vulnerable. After doing this trick a few times, Blockbuster is down. Klarion lashes out in anger, but instead of hitting Aqualad, he hits the tablet. He retreats with his allies. Aqualad bemoans the loss of the only way to stop Tiamat.

The Team confronts Tiamat in her second form. Nightwing and his squad avoid all the large dragon's attacks, and attack its arms whenever it lashes out at them. It eventually succumbs and falls back in the pool. Nightwing frees Tula, and they convene on what to do next. Without the tablet and the console which was hit by a rock moments before , there is not much they can do.

A third form of Tiamat rises from the pool, a much smaller lizard this time. Tula argues that, because her magic was used before, she could feed it into the machine again to contain Tiamat. The winged lizard uses water spouts and slug minions to try and defeat Alpha Squad, but to no avail. They defeat her, and Tula pushes her back in the pool.

She amps up her powers, and explains the only way to defeat the monster to Nightwing, something she had known but had not told the others. Marduk had to sacrifice himself, and so did she. She bids her friends farewell and declares her love to Garth. Debris from the roof covers the pool. Kaldur and Garth arrive in the pool chamber, but much too late. They clear the rubble to retrieve Tula while Nightwing explains her plight. He calls in to the Cave to report the threat is contained, at a price.

The entire Team has gathered in the mission room for the debriefing. Batman explains they saved billions of lives, Dr. Sandsmark is safe, and the League has recovered the fragments and will destroy them.

Artemis notes their loss, to which Batman responds that is was not their first, nor will it be the last, and it is part of their life. Nightwing sees Aqualad 's prerecorded message. Nightwing agrees, and rallies the Team. He proposes to take the battle to the Light's doorstep, and asks for Aqualad's approval. They are all surprised he isn't there. Figuring he's having a rest, the Team disperses to do the same.

Nightwing is the only one left in the room, and notices an incoming transmission. Aqualad appears on a prerecorded message, where he explains he has to find out several things about his origins, and leaves Dick in command.

The cast are not credited by role. Instead, they appear as a list at the end of the credits. Not all actors reprise their role. Young Justice: Legacy is an action role-playing game with puzzle elements. With these three characters, the players traverse various field areas, defeating enemies as they attempt to complete their mission.

Each player has the option to switch their control between the three active characters while on the field.

Only a limited roster of characters is available at the beginning of the game, but more characters can be unlocked as the game progresses. Four additional characters can also be unlocked through a DLC pack that will be released near the game's launch. Each character has a unique set of special abilities to use on the battlefield as well as certain strengths and weaknesses that define each character's role during battle.

Characters and their abilities level up as they progress through missions. Every character also has at least three costumes, some from beyond the context of Earth , that changes both the character's appearance as well as how they play. For example, Nightwing will have a costume based on his classic comic appearance and Artemis will have a costume based on the Huntress. The game will feature several unlockable modes of gameplay including a challenge mode where players will be presented with certain tasks to accomplish, such as defeating a certain amount of enemies without taking damage.

The game was originally announced in with a target date of February ; however, in an interview with Comicbook. The game was delayed until September and then to November


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