Visualage pacbase manual

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The SSA parameter supplies segment search argument values. You can code the SSA values as search-value-field-name or an alphabetic literal 'search-value-literal'. The first eight bytes of this area contain the checkpoint-ID.

If your program is being started normally, the area will still contain spaces. Optionally, you can also specify up to seven checkpoint areas in working storage that are saved during each checkpoint and restored during a restart. Checkpoint-len-field-name must be a four-byte binary field. The length of this checkpoint area is specified by checkpoint-len-field-name or 'checkpoint-len-literal'.

Use Format 3 of the DLI statement to perform a basic checkpoint. This area contains the checkpoint-ID. Coding this statement before referencing DLI fields causes the fields to become available for processing. Use Format 5 to schedule a PSB. Format 5 is used for CICS execution only. In other environments, it is ignored. When a PSB is scheduled, it stays scheduled until one of the following occurs:.

The maximum length of a PSB name is eight bytes. Use Format 6 to terminate a PSB. Format 6 is used only for CICS execution. See Conditional Expressions for. The truth value of the conditional expression determines whether statement-1 through statement-n are executed. When the conditional expression is true, the statements are executed and the program branches back to test the conditional expression. The program continues to loop as long as the conditional expression is true.

Statement-1 through statement-n are executed. The truth value of the conditional expression determines whether the group of statements are executed again. When the conditional expression is false, the program branches back to execute the statements. The program continues to loop until the conditional expression is true. All graph output is scheduled for deferred formatting and display, following re-sequencing of the graph data.

The data is written to an intermediate file referred to as a graph work file. The name of each field must be unique within the element record. However, it is not necessary for the field to be unique within the logical record that contains the element record being defined. If a field defined in another element record has the same name as a field in the named element record, then all references to either field must be qualified with the name of the field's containing element record.

It is invoked whenever end-of-page is detected. ENDPAGE is typically used to produce page totals or other annotations, as in the following example of page footer annotation:. A procedure is a group of user-written CA-Easytrieve statements designed to accomplish a particular objective.

The ninth position must be blank. This is called activity nesting. However, recursion is not permitted. Note: Recursion cannot be detected in the program.

If it is attempted, unpredictable results can occur. An EXIT from the primary screen does not restore the screen. EXIT is a branch action that can be invoked directly by pressing a particular attention key. See the KEY Statement for more information. The DO loop repeats the process until end-of-file.

FILE statements must describe all files that your program references. Not all parameters are necessary or valid for describing any one file. A review of all parameters will quickly indicate those required for any particular file.

Code the optional parameters and subparameters of the FILE statement in any order following the file-name. As shown, you must code multiple subparameters within parentheses.

The complete syntax of the FILE statement is shown below:. All statements that operate on the file refer to this name. File-names must be unique in the program that is, the programmer can use a given file-name for only one file. The first three characters of file-name must be different from the value of the work data set name prefix specified in the Site Options Table normally EZT.

CA-Easytrieve processes all standard file types available in the operating environment. If you do not specify a file type, CA-Easytrieve assumes the file is sequential. On UNIX, the file can be a fixed length or a variable length new-line delimited file. SQL owner-name. Table-name is the name of the SQL table to be accessed. Optionally, qualify the table with owner-name. Table-name must be enclosed in parentheses. Correlation-name is the name used to clarify or simplify the table to which a column belongs.

These statements support full read-write access to the tables but you do not have to declare, open, and close cursors to manage the tables. Multiple tables for a single file are joined for inquiry only. Subschema-name is a one to eight-character name that specifies the subschema to be processed. Relative-position is a positive numeric literal that identifies the relative position of the PCB within the PSB to be processed. Dbd-name specifies the name of the DBD.

It is only required if two or more DBDs have the same name. You can specify the password as an alphabetic literal or a hexadecimal quoted literal. Password-field-name is a field you define that contains the password for the file.

CA-Easytrieve accesses the value in password-field-name when the file is opened. Any valid password is accepted. This error indicates that a previous job terminated without properly closing the associated VSAM data set. USING appends the associated parameters parm-literal or parm-field-name to the standard parameter list passed to the exit program.

Field names must be working storage or system defined fields and must be defined in the library section. There is a limit of 62 fields that can be passed to the exit program.

Files using this option must be character unblocked records. Workstation only The CARD option indicates the file is a variable length file carriage-return, line-feed delimited using an character record buffer. Files created with this option are character unblocked records.

Line-length must be an unsigned integer from 1 to Line-length must be at least one less than the length of the data portion of the file's logical record. If the FILE definition does not provide the file's format and logical record length, then no compile time verification of the line-length is done. The default value of LINESIZE is calculated as one less than the data portion of the logical record if the file format and record length are known at compile time.

There are additional control characters forms control information that also must be stored in a logical record. If one of the record format parameters is specified, it must be large enough to hold both the forms control information and the data characters. The value of line-length must be less than or equal to the maximum record length minus the size of the forms control information. If you do not code a record format in MVS, CA-Easytrieve obtains it from the operating system when the file is opened.

Fixed and variable length records can be blocked FB,VB. This is only applicable for disk data sets. Area-length specifies the number of bytes to be allocated and must be large enough to contain the longest record processed. Max-table-entries specifies the maximum number of entries in an external table.

Buffers can be 1 through for MVS programs. The default value is obtained from the Site Options Table. BUFNO is ignored on the workstation. The default opens all referenced files at the beginning of each CA-Easytrieve activity. ASA is ignored on the workstation. Unless you code them, record length and blocksize default to those defined for the printer in the printer set definition module.

Xrpt-printer identifies the extended reporting printer whose characteristics are to be associated with this file. You must define the xrpt-printer in the printer set definition module. CA-Easytrieve uses this parameter only when the file is created. After the file is created, this parameter is ignored and key information is obtained from the access method.

If KEY is not specified during creation, the first field defined in the file is used as the key field. Use system-id to specify the operating system or environment. System-id must be PC for the workstation. Path-specification must be a valid physical file name for the operating environment. You can optionally enclose path-specification in single quotes if spaces or special characters exist in the physical file name.

This enables you to code the external data set name for execution on the mainframe and the path-specification for the workstation.

DBF file. Ensure that you have compiled your program with the desired options in effect. CAL file. WKS or. WK1 file. The default access mode for a Lotus file is. WKS format. To override the default, include the extension of the file to be accessed in the PATH parameter if the file is a. Use this parameter to maintain portability between the workstation and the mainframe.

See Usage Notes for more information. Use this parameter only when the file is initially created and then ignored. If you do not code KEY, the first field defined in the file is used as the key field. Note: Workstation ISAM file keys are always stored in character format and the key length cannot exceed bytes in length. Only alphanumeric and zoned numeric data should be used for the key on the workstation.

Index-file-specification must be a valid file name for the target operating system, and, optionally, can be enclosed in single quotes if spaces or special characters exist in the physical file name. If an access path is not coded, an access path of 0 is used. Access-path-number must be an integer from 0 to Each access-path-number you specify must be unique. Key-start-pos and key-length must be integers.

Key-length cannot exceed bytes. Key-type can be any valid CA-Easytrieve data type. Create-mode-literal must be an integer from zero to three and is defined as follows:. Page-size-literal must be an integer from to and must be a multiple of CA-Easytrieve defaults to a page size of The value you select for page-size-literal can have performance and disk space implications.

File-identifier-field-name must be defined as an alphanumeric field of the required length. CA-Easytrieve accesses the value of file-identifier-field-name when the file is opened. The required length and the set of valid characters depend on the file type, the implementation, and the operating system. The length of file-name must conform to operating system standards. The requirements for the format of the file-identifier character string are the same as the requirements for the FCT name.

If fewer than eight characters are provided, the value is padded with blanks on the right to obtain a string of eight characters. File-identifier-field-name must be an eight-byte sequential alphanumeric field of any format.

Only uppercase alphabetic and numeric digits are allowed. The first character must not be a digit. An execution error occurs. The requirements for the format of the file-identifier character string are the same as the requirements for the DDname. File-identifier-field-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field of any format. The first character. If it does not contain a path separator, CA-Easytrieve searches for an environment variable with the same name.

If found, the value of the variable is used as the file description string. CA-Easytrieve virtual files are temporary sequential work files that are normally deleted after the file is read and closed. DISK indicates an auxiliary storage resident temporary storage queue. DISK is the default. CICS only Specify the name of the destination terminal in 'terminal-id-literal' or terminal-id-field-name. This terminal can be either a display terminal or an online printer.

Any valid terminal ID is accepted. When ID is not specified, output directed to this file is spooled until the file is closed. The output can then be browsed at the originating terminal using the Report Display Facility.

You can also then print the file. SPOOL is ignored on the workstation. CLASS can be specified as a literal or as a field name. Any valid class is accepted. Code NODE to specify the destination for the file. This destination is usually a local or remote printer device name or a network node name, but can be anything meaningful to the operating system spooling subsystem.

NODE can be specified as a literal or as a field name. Any valid node is accepted. Note: If NODE is not specified, the destination for the file is not passed to the operating system spooling subsystem. The NODE subparameter must also be specified and must contain a network node name. Any valid userid is accepted. GET places the next or previous sequential record of the named file into the file's record buffer. File-name can be any file type except SQL.

If you specify PRIOR and the position in the file is not established, the last record in the file is placed in the file's record buffer. Note: The access method of the operating system must support retrieval of previous records or an execution error occurs. Specify HOLD to hold a record for update. HOLD does not mean you are required to perform the update. It holds the position in the file and can also lock the record workstation LANs. Records are automatically released when the update operation completes or a commit point is taken.

When you want to update a record, use the READ statement. Normally, a zero or non-zero test is sufficient. You cannot use GET for a file designated as automatic input. You can use GET to access a secondary file while automatically accessing a primary file.

The GOTO statement allows you to modify the natural top to bottom logic flow of statement execution. Processing then continues in a top-to-bottom sequence. The label must be contained in the same activity or procedure.

A statement label is a complete CA-Easytrieve statement that you can code before the following statements:. The following example illustrates the use of GOTO in a program. The arrows indicate that control is passed to the first executable statement following the label or job statement.

Graph-name is optional when there is only one graph coded in a JOB activity. If you code multiple graphs, only the first graph can be unnamed. Each graph-name must be unique in the JOB activity. At least one graph-name must be coded for each DRAW graph-name statement.

For unnamed graphs, you can code the DRAW statement without the graph-name parameter. If not specified, MODE defaults to the highest resolution supported by the video adapter board. Specify 'PIE' to display a pie chart.

The y-value for this graph determines the size of the pie slice. The x-value for this graph determines the category for the y-value. If you code SUMMARY, all y-values for each identical x-value are summed producing a slice that is the size of the sum of all of the y-values for this category.

The y-value determines the height of the vertical bar. The x-value determines the category for the y-value. If you code SUMMARY, all y-values for each identical x-value are summed, producing a vertical bar that is the sum of all of the y-values for this category.

The y-value determines the length of the horizontal bar. If you code SUMMARY, all y-values for each identical x-value are summed producing a horizontal bar that is the sum of all of the y-values for this category.

Specify 'LINE' to display a line graph. The y-value determines the height of the data point on the graph. Specify 'XY' to display an XY graph in which values are connected by lines. The y-value determines position of the data point on the y-axis.

The x-value determines the position of the data point on the x-axis. If you code SUMMARY, all y-values for each identical x-value are summed producing a data point that is the sum of all of the y-values for this x-value. Values are not connected by lines and a y-axis grid is displayed. If you code SUMMARY, all y-values for each identical x-value are summed producing a data point that is the sum of all of the y-values for this x-value.. The default is for X and Y field headings to be displayed on the graph.

Headings are ignored for PIE graphs. The following program code produces a vertical bar graph in low resolution mode that displays the sum of the gross pay for each region without axis headings. When defining a field, you specify the default heading.

The heading you define is used for fields identified on LINE 01 of your report declaration. You can only specify font-number if you direct the report to an extended reporting printer. If you direct the report to a normal printer, a syntax error occurs when you code font-number.

You can specify a unique font index for each 'heading-literal' by coding the sign and a value for font-number before 'heading-literal'.

Any 'heading-literal' that does not have a font index assigned uses the default font for the assigned extended reporting printer. For reports, a single line of alphanumeric text replaces the default header and prints as a header over a column or field. Multiple literals, each enclosed within single quotes '' and separated by one or more blanks within the parentheses, are stacked vertically over the column or field when printed.

Multiple literals, each enclosed within single quotes '' and separated by one or more blanks within the parentheses, are displayed on a single line with a space between each literal. The next example produces a vertical bar graph that displays the sum of the gross pay for each region with user-specified headings:. Record-name is a one to character name that identifies a record of the file-name defined. Repeat the record-name to identify as many records as needed. The file-name can be qualified by the file-name's version.

All records defined within the file are used to generate the file's field definitions unless the optional SELECT parameter identifies specific records to be used. The record-name can be qualified by the record's version. The elements defined within the record are used to generate field definitions at the location specified. W fields are spooled to report work files; S fields are not. The subschema can be qualified by the schema and schema's version.

Schema-name is the one to eight-character name that specifies the schema that owns the subschema when a subschema can be owned by multiple schemas. Record-name is a one to character name that identifies a record for which the definition is accessed. Repeat record-name to specifically identify all the records you need. You can omit the SELECT parameter to access all the database records but not logical records defined for the subschema.

Only database records can be defined in this way. Any request to retrieve a subschema that specifies a schema but not a version uses this value. Format 1 returns the current database key for the record, set, or area specified. Format 2 returns the database key that is the next, prior, or owner of the specified set.

Currency-field-name or 'currency-literal' identifies the currency for the desired key. Currency-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field. The default is the current record of the run-unit. Set-field-name or 'set-literal' identifies the name of the desired set. Set-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field. Proc-field-name or 'proc-literal' identifies the name of a DBA-written database procedure. Proc-field-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field.

Subschema-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. Program-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. Db-name-table-name or 'db-name-table-literal' specifies a DB Name Table.

Data retrieved during execution of the user's program will be from the named database. Db-name-table-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. Node-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. Dictionary-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. Dictionary-node-name or 'dictionary-node-literal' specifies the Dictionary Node of a Secondary Load Area. Dictionary-node-name must be an eight-byte alphanumeric field. TO receive-field-name Receive-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field.

ALL This optional parameter controls which locks are released. Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to be connected. Record-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field. Set-field-name or 'set-literal' specifies the set to which the record is to be connected. Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to be disconnected. Set-field-name or 'set-literal' specifies the set from which the record is to be disconnected.

Format 2 makes a logical record unavailable for further processing. Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to be erased. This optional parameter controls the type of erasure. RECORD logical-record-name Logical-record-name is a one to sixteen-character name that identifies the logical record to be erased. These statements have six formats:. Key-field-name or 'key-literal' identifies the key of the database record. Key-field-name must be a four-byte binary field.

These optional parameters determine the type of lock to be placed on the object record. Field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field. Nth-field-name must be a four-byte binary integer.

Nth-literal must be a positive or negative integer. Record-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric. The default is the record that otherwise satisfies the search criteria. Search-field-name or 'search-literal' identifies the set or area that determines the scope of the search. Search-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field.

Set-field-name or 'set-literal' identifies the set to search. The default begins with the owner of the current record within the set. Control-field-name or 'control-literal' identifies the control data item. The length and code system of the control data item must match that in the database.

Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to retrieve. The default record is the current record type of the run-unit. Set-field-name or 'set-literal' identifies the set to be tested. Field-name or 'literal' identifies the desired record, set, or area to be locked. Format 2 updates a logical record within the database. Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to be modified.

Specify NEXT to retrieve subsequent occurrences. RECORD logical-record-name Logical-record-name is a one to sixteen-character name that identifies the logical record to be retrieved.

Area-field-name or 'area-literal' identifies the area to be made available for processing. Area-field-name must be a byte alphanumeric field. If not specified, all areas in the subschema are readied.

These optional parameters determine the type of access. Set-field-name or 'set-literal' identifies the index set to be accessed. KEY symbolic-key This parameter retrieves the records's symbolic key into symbolic-key. Symbolic-key is the name of an alphanumeric field that is large enough to contain the record's symbolic key. The attributes of key-field-name or 'key-literal' must match the symbolic key of the index. The default is to terminate the run-unit. Format 2 places a new logical record occurrence into the database.

Record-field-name or 'record-literal' identifies the record to store. The IF statement controls the execution of its associated statements. Note: ELSE must be on a source statement by itself unless it is followed by a period and a space. The truth value of the conditional-expression-1 determines whether statement-1 is executed. CA-Easytrieve executes statements designated by statement-1 when conditional-expression-1 is true.

CA-Easytrieve executes statements designated by statement-2 when conditional-expression-2 is. Statement-1, statement-2, and statement-3 each represent any number of CA-Easytrieve statements. Whenever one or more of these statements is an IF statement, the IF statements are considered to be nested.

The format of nested IF statements is that statement-1, statement-2, and statement-3 of any IF can be an IF statement. The following three examples illustrate the IF statement usage. If a cursor for the file is not open, one is not opened automatically. If a cursor is open, the inserted record does not appear in the cursor's result set until the cursor is closed and re-opened with a new SELECT statement.

The JOB statement defines and initiates a processing activity. In a JOB activity, statements can specify various processing tasks:. Otherwise, the default input is the first file named in the library section. File-name identifies any file defined in the library section of the program eligible for sequential input processing. This allows you to update an automatic input file in all environments except CICS.

Code KEY key-field-name for each file-name of a synchronized file input process. KEY fields can be any fields from the associated file. The only exceptions are varying length fields, which cannot be used as keys. For more detailed information about synchronized file processing, see the CA-Easytrieve Programmer Guide. Use this when no input is required or when input is retrieved by statements in the activity. CA-Easytrieve optionally performs the procedure coded in start-proc-name before it retrieves the first automatic input record.

You cannot reference fields in automatic input files because no records have been retrieved at this stage of processing. After CA-Easytrieve processes the last automatic input record, it performs the finish-proc-name procedure.

A typical finish-proc-name procedure displays control information accumulated during the activity. Each commit point posts all updates, additions and deletions, terminates holds, and closes SQL cursors. The JOB statement can also identify the name of an automatic input file which can be any file or database that is processed sequentially.

The first example illustrates a JOB statement that automatically reads a sequential file. The second example illustrates synchronized file processing. CA-Easytrieve automatically defines symbolic names that correspond to values for the most common keys. If you test for terminal keys without a symbolic name, you cannot code KEY statements in your program.

For example, if you code:. You can optionally separate a series of key-names with commas for readability. You can specify a range of key-names and a series of key-names on the same KEY statement.

See the examples below. The format displayed on the screen is:. To display only the key-name on a screen, code NAME 'literal' with a blank space between single quotes ' '.

Specify EXIT to terminate the screen activity after editing and extracting data from screen fields into program fields. Data in screen fields is edited and extracted into program fields. General Documentation U M Cross-References M GFT Go to the end of iteration. Relationship Call of Objects U M Documentation U M XT Allows you to call an elementary processing transfers, processing on Segment, List of Occurrences for User Entity F LKQ List of U.

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