Target operating speeds cannot be determined arbitrarily, but must be consistent with conditions along the roadway and subject to reasonable enforcement. The designer may proactively alter the existing geometry and roadway environment in an attempt to decrease the operating speed and enhance the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, or the viability of downtown or residential areas, in balance, not competition, with the safety of motorists.
Roadway design should lead the driver to adopt a driving behavior appropriate to local conditions. The designer thus should carefully consider the appropriate target speed for a roadway section based upon land use conditions, building densities, the environment and the disparate needs of users of the facility.
It should be recognized that streets do not only serve transportation related functions but are also places of commercial and social encounter.
Therefore, a designer should also consider the non-vehicular uses of a roadway and seek consistency between all aspects of the roadway, its environment, and the chosen Design Speed. What does this mean? If a physical, environmental or other impediment posed an obstacle to a project, the Design Speed established the limit below which it would be difficult to compromise, in effect, the maximum safe speed. If, however, no such obstacles exist on one or more stretches of road, the design would be to optimum standards, potentially yielding an infinite Design Speed.
This could lead to inconsistencies between the Design Speed, posted speed, and desirable vehicle operating speed, and result in drivers making inappropriate decisions.
The NJDOT's Design Philosophy takes into account functional classification, existing or intended land use, and the context of the project, and then uses an appropriately selected Design Speed as the basis for all of the design elements. If there are no physical or environmental impediments to alter the geometry of a roadway, the designer may consider introducing design elements that reinforce and encourage the intended operating speed, which should be based on the needs of all road users.
There is a wide range of options available to the designer to do so, including some that fall under the umbrella "traffic calming.
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